Note, content for veterinary professionals only.

SUPRELORIN® F (deslorelin acetate) Implant (4.7 mg)

Manage pet ferret adrenal cortical disease with a single annual implant.

  • Single annual implant to manage pet ferret adrenal cortical disease (ACD)
    • ACD is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in the domestic ferret (about 70% of ferrets in U.S. are affected)3
    • This disease is caused by excessive secretion of the sex hormones progesterone, testosterone and estrogen by the adrenal gland2,4
  • Active ingredient: deslorelin acetate
    • Slow release of deslorelin acetate (synthetic Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone analogue), desensitizes receptors in the pituitary gland causing a decreased production of LH and FSH (hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands)3
  • Common signs (alopecia, vulvar swelling, skin disorders/itching, unusual sexual behavior, lethargy) reduced quickly after application – usually in 2-8 weeks depending on the sign5
  • Available in 2 or 5 implants per box




SUPRELORIN® F (deslorelin acetate) Implant (4.7 mg) is Legally marketed as an FDA Indexed Product under MIF 900-013. FOR USE IN FERRETS ONLY. Extra-label use is prohibited. This product must not be used in animals intended for use as food for humans or other animals.



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Pet Owner Information:

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Important safety information: For use in ferrets only. Do not use in animals intended for breeding. The safe use of this product has not been evaluated in pregnant or lactating ferrets. Do not use this product in ferrets with known hypersensitivity to deslorelin acetate or other synthetic hormones. DO NOT HANDLE THIS PRODUCT IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR NURSING OR SUSPECT YOU MAY BE PREGNANT. Accidental administration in humans may lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. For complete product information phone Virbac at 1-800-338-3659 or download here.

Potential adverse reaction: Treated ferrets may exhibit signs of soreness and swelling at the implantation site, which should resolve over 1 to 2 weeks. Other reported side effects include weight gain, lethargy, and failure to respond to therapy. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your ferret is exhibiting signs of an adverse reaction.



  1. Shoemaker N. longitudinal evaluation of adrenal gland volume in chemically versus surgically neutered ferrets –2018 EXOTICSCON Conference proceedings, session 2285.
  2. Simone-Freilicher E. Adrenal gland disease in ferrets. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract. 2008;11(1):125–137.
  3. Gandolfi RC, Weiss CA. Adrenal disease (hyperadrenocorticism). pdfs/health/Adrenal_Disease_Comprehensive_with_Medical_Therapy.pdf. Accessed January 15, 2016.
  4. Wagner RA, Piché CA, Jöchle W, Oliver JW. Clinical and endocrine responses to treatment with deslorelin acetate implants in ferrets with adrenocortical disease. Am J Vet Res. 2005;66(5):910–914.
  5. Wagner RA, Finkler MR, Fecteau KA, Trigg TE. The treatment of adrenal cortical disease in ferrets with 4.7 mg deslorelin acetate implants. J Exotic Pet Med. 2009;18(2):146–152. 



ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Each implant contains 4.7 mg of deslorelin acetate.