How can you help ease pet owner anxiety with ear infections?

Canine otitis externa; When the problem is confusion, the solution is understanding, clear communication, and quick, effective results.

Dr. Ernie Ward discusses how to mitigate owner frustrations, and reviews the results of the EASOTIC® (hydrocortisone aceponate, miconazole nitrate, gentamicin sulfate) Take 5 Customer Experience Program.

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See the full results here

Teach clients about the importance of regular ear cleaning to manage chronic otitis externa and discuss a plan to maintain healthy ears. Hear how EPIOTIC® Advanced Ear Cleanser is ideal for supporting good ear health in dogs.

You can also learn more here

Ernie Ward, DVM, CVFT is an award-winning practicing veterinarian and speaker, who specializes in teaching veterinary healthcare teams and pet owners how to lead more fulfilling, meaningful, and successful lives. He is internationally known for improving veterinary medical standards, creating a higher quality of life for animals, and promoting healthier habits for pets and people. Dr. Ward currently serves as Chief Veterinary Officer for VerticalVet in Charlotte, North Carolina.



Important Safety Information

EASOTIC® (hydrocortisone aceponate, miconazole nitrate, gentamicin sulfate) Otic Suspension for Dogs: For otic (ear) use in dogs only. Humans with known or suspected hypersensitivity to hydrocortisone, aminoglycoside antibiotics, or azole antifungals should not handle this product. Contraindicated in dogs with known or suspected hypersensitivity to corticosteroids, imidazole antifungals, or aminoglycoside antibiotics. Do not use in dogs with known tympanic membrane (ear drum) perforation. The safe use of EASOTIC Otic Suspension in dogs used for breeding purposes has not been evaluated. Do not administer orally. For full prescribing information, contact Virbac at 1-800-338-3659 or download the Product Insert.

How can you help ease pet owner anxiety with ear infections?