Note, content for veterinary professionals only.

BOVIGENTM Platinum 5 L5 Vaccine

Protect your future calves with Platinum Protection.



Replacement heifers are in short supply. Protect their reproductive health.

Every calf has value. While we have a short supply of replacement heifers, that value expands tenfold. That greater value will be consistent during a period of herd growth. Protect valuable females — both cows and replacement heifers — against abortion-causing bacteria like leptospirosis, reproductive issue-causing viruses like bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVD) Types 1 and 2 and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR); plus bovine parainfluenza 3 virus (PI3); and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV).

What is Platinum protection with Bovigen Platinum 5 L5 VACCINE?

BOVIGENTM Platinum 5 L5 Vaccine is: 


  • Protects against the most prevalent strains of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVD) in the country.1,2
  • Vaccine strain BVD 1a has demonstrated effectiveness against 1b.3
  • Includes BVD Types 1 and 2, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR), bovine parainfluenza 3 virus (PI3), and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV).


  • Effective for weaned calves as part of preconditioning and value-add programs.
  • Safe in replacement heifer development programs.
  • Labeled for use in pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows provided they were vaccinated 30 to 60 days pre-breeding with another BOVIGENTM 5-way modified live Platinum Vaccine.


Why work with Virbac?

  • We are a nimble, service-oriented team committed to the well-being of both your cattle and your operation for generations.
  • We are cattle professionals ourselves, so we understand our customers’ problems and provide solutions through firsthand knowledge and experience.
  • Our cattle team has the resources to meet the needs of U.S. cattle veterinarians and ranchers as the fifth largest animal health company in ruminants in the world.
  • We collaborate with manufacturer Diamond Animal Health, which has a 60-year reputation of creating high-quality biological products.
  • Diamond has an excellent safety track record with this product line with less than 0.01% of adverse events.5
  • Diamond delivers a robust supply made in the United States of America.





Modified live 5-way viral with Leptospirosis vaccine for cattle

  • 2 mL dose given subcutaneously that meets Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) standards6
  • 10-dose vial (20 mL) and 50-dose vial (100 mL)
  • Easy color-coding for bottles: Blue seal on viral cake and pink on lepto diluent



Need More Information



  1. Fulton RW, Cook BJ, Payton ME, et al. Immune response to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) vaccines
    detecting antibodies due to BVDV subtypes 1a, 1b, 2a and 2c. Vaccine 2020;38(24):4032–4037.
  2. Fulton, RW, Ridpath, JF, Saliki, JT, Briggs, RE, Confer, AW, Burge, LJ, Purdy, CW, Loan, RW, Duff,
    GC, Payton, ME, Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) 1b: predominant BVDV subtype in calves with
    respiratory disease. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 2002;66:181-190.
  3. Xue, W, Mattick, D, Smith, L, Umbaugh, J, Trigo, E. Vaccination with a modified-live bovine viral
    diarrhea virus (BVDV) type 1a vaccine completely protected calves against challenge with BVDV
    type 1b strains. Vaccine 2010;29(1):70-76.
  4. NAAB data, Sales data shows beef on dairy is growing, Hoard’s Dairyman. April 2023.
  5. Data on file. Diamond Animal Health.