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Our Products

Our flagship pet food brand provides balanced, evidence-based nutrition for spayed and neutered pets. We prioritize the calorie contribution from proteins, with moderate fat and minimal carbohydrates. Here you'll find an overview of our products and the product benefits.

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Cat Food

Cat Jr 6.5lb_WEB_210X210_face.pngVETERINARY HPM® Spay & Neuter Junior Cat Food


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Cat Adult 15lb_WEB_210X210_face.pngVETERINARY HPM® Spay & Neuter Adult Cat Food


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Dog Jr 6.5lb Sm_WEB_210X210_face.pngVETERINARY HPM® Spay & Neuter Small & Toy Junior Dog Food


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Dog Adult 6.5lb SM_WEB_210X210_face.pngVETERINARY HPM® Spay & Neuter Small & Toy Adult Dog Food


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Dog Jr 15lb LG_WEB_210X210_face.pngVETERINARY HPM® Spay & Neuter Large & Medium Junior Dog Food


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Dog Adult 15lb LG_WEB_210X210_face.pngVETERINARY HPM® Spay & Neuter Large & Medium Adult Dog Food


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Product Benefits

When reducing the calorie intake of pets to meet their changed metabolic needs post-spay or -neuter, it matters how we do it. All our dog and cat foods prioritize protein as a primary source of metabolizable energy (ME). We also place a strong emphasis on animal proteins and include careful blends of mixed fibers to deliver nutrients that support pet satiety.

Learn how spaying and neutering change the protein needs of pets »

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VETERINARY HPM® pet nutrition:
  • Supports a healthy metabolism
  • Supports appetite control
  • Supports healthy muscles
  • Nourishes healthy growth (Junior)
  • Supports optimal weight (Adult)

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Our Protein Sources

To meet the needs of spayed or neutered dogs and cats, we focus on animal proteins: ≥84% of the protein in VETERINARY HPM® Pet Food is animal protein.

Here’s an overview of why that’s important:

The more essential amino acids a protein contains — and the more digestible the protein is — the higher the quality of that protein.

  • There are 10 amino acids that are essential to dogs and 11 that are essential to cats. Pet’s bodies aren’t able to synthesize these amino acids so they need to be included in their diets.

Animal-based proteins contain all essential amino acids and are more highly digestible than plant-based proteins.1–3

  • Animal proteins provide more essential amino acids as compared to plant based proteins, including those that support appetite control.
  • Plant-based proteins often come with additional fibers and “anti-nutrients” that may interfere with the digestion and absorption of other nutrients.
How to Order

Ready to order VETERINARY HPM® pet food for your clinic? Order directly by registering your clinic at iVet, call 1-800-436-5909 or contact your Virbac representative.

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  1. Berrazaga I, Micard V, Gueugneau M, Walrand S. The role of the anabolic properties of plant- versus animal-based protein sources in supporting muscle mass maintenance: A critical review. Nutrients. 2019;11(8):1825. doi:10.3390/nu11081825
  2. Donadelli RA, Aldrich CG, Jones CK, Beyer RS. The amino acid composition and protein quality of various egg, poultry meal by-products, and vegetable proteins used in the production of dog and cat diets. Poult Sci. 2019;98(3):1371-1378. doi:10.3382/ps/pey462
  3. Bednar GE, Murray SM, Patil AR, Flickenger EA, Merchen NR, Fahey Jr GC. Selected animal and plant protein sources affect nutrient digestibility and fecal characteristics of ileally cannulated dogs. Arch Tierernahr. 2000;53(2):127-140. doi: 10.1080/17450390009381942
  4. Gross KL, Yamka RM, Khoo C, et al. Macronutrients. In: Hand MS, Thatcher CD, Remillard RL, et al., eds. Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. 5th ed. Mark Morris Institute; 2010:49-105.